It’s our mission is to provide the most exceptional stock footage you won’t find anywhere else.
RawFilm is the world's first subscription-based stock footage platform with premium 8K content shot on RED Camera available for download in R3D RAW format.
We are the only platform with a hassle free license and unlimited worldwide use - all of that for the most affordable price in the stock footage industry.
What Makes Us Unique?Go ahead and see it for yourself. Download those clips for free and start enjoying the comfort of working with RAW footage.
Get a free stock!Tell an entire story using RawFilm
stunning stock footage. Feel empowered
to communicate visually exactly as you
envisage, with high-quality collections
of clips that are effortless to fit
with your footage.
Amazing collection of footage! Really nice, having shot sequences from a shoot really makes a difference and the fact that all of the footage blends with each other as far as camera quality goes makes life a lot easier!
Having access to raw footage is a blessing. Footage collections are top notch and very cinematic. Keep up the good work!
So happy that I found you. RawFilm has changed my approach to stock footage. I can finally tell a full story using your collections. It’s mind blowing. Thank you!
Amazing collection of footage! Really nice, having shot sequences from a shoot really makes a difference and the fact that all of the footage blends with each other as far as camera quality goes makes life a lot easier!
Having access to raw footage is a blessing. Footage collections are top notch and very cinematic. Keep up the good work!
So happy that I found you. RawFilm has changed my approach to stock footage. I can finally tell a full story using your collections. It’s mind blowing. Thank you!
Amazing collection of footage! Really nice, having shot sequences from a shoot really makes a difference and the fact that all of the footage blends with each other as far as camera quality goes makes life a lot easier!
Having access to raw footage is a blessing. Footage collections are top notch and very cinematic. Keep up the good work!
So happy that I found you. RawFilm has changed my approach to stock footage. I can finally tell a full story using your collections. It’s mind blowing. Thank you!
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