Discover our amazing pricing and see how you can save $ on premium stock footage.
Talk to us about Enterprise Team Accounts (Multi-Users), Vendor Agreements, Custom Licensing Agreements and Invoicing.
RawFilm is the world's first subscription-based stock footage platform with premium content exclusively produced on RED Digital Cinema Camera available for immediate download in REDCODE RAW format. Our top-notch footage is grouped into themed stories, making the searching process very intuitive. Aside from our stunning aesthetic, RawFilm is the only platform with one, straightforward license that fits every production. All of that for the most affordable price in the stock footage industry.
Explore World’s Highest Quality Footage Library without the price tag.
Amazing collection of footage! Really nice, having shot sequences from a shoot really makes a difference and the fact that all of the footage blends with each other as far as camera quality goes makes life a lot easier!
Having access to raw footage is a blessing. Footage collections are top notch and very cinematic. Keep up the good work!
So happy that I found you. RawFilm has changed my approach to stock footage. I can finally tell a full story using your collections. It’s mind blowing. Thank you!
Amazing collection of footage! Really nice, having shot sequences from a shoot really makes a difference and the fact that all of the footage blends with each other as far as camera quality goes makes life a lot easier!
Having access to raw footage is a blessing. Footage collections are top notch and very cinematic. Keep up the good work!
So happy that I found you. RawFilm has changed my approach to stock footage. I can finally tell a full story using your collections. It’s mind blowing. Thank you!
Amazing collection of footage! Really nice, having shot sequences from a shoot really makes a difference and the fact that all of the footage blends with each other as far as camera quality goes makes life a lot easier!
Having access to raw footage is a blessing. Footage collections are top notch and very cinematic. Keep up the good work!
So happy that I found you. RawFilm has changed my approach to stock footage. I can finally tell a full story using your collections. It’s mind blowing. Thank you!
A lifetime license from RawFilm is a special, time-limited offer that's been specially tailored for individual creators and small businesses. Following our enterprise success, we're now opening up our extensive stock footage library to a wider audience. This limited-time opportunity provides perpetual access to premium content, supporting the ongoing creative and business needs.
Absolutely, it is! When you acquire the lifetime license, you only pay once and you get unrestricted access to all of RawFilm’s extensive library. This means no additional fees or hidden costs; just one investment for continuous access to premium content to enrich your projects.
The Lifetime License provides a one-time purchase granting you perpetual usage of our footage. Once you've purchased a clip, you can use it indefinitely within the terms and conditions of the license.
This license is intended for small entities such as content creators and small businesses with no more than 5 employees and annual revenue not exceeding 250,000 USD.
Projects produced with footage from the Lifetime License must have a budget that does not exceed 25,000 USD.
Yes, there is no limit to the number of projects you can create under the Lifetime License, provided they meet the specified budget and other criteria.
Certainly, you are allowed to monetize your content on up to three different social media platforms.
You can download clip in HD and 4K resolution.
You can sell your final projects to small entities. There is no time restriction on when the sale needs to be completed since the license is perpetual.
The direct resale of our footage as standalone files, usage in television or physical media productions without an appropriate license, making modifications without permission, and automated downloading are not permitted under this license.
No, large entities that exceed the set thresholds for employees or revenue require an Enterprise license.
A 'Final Project' refers to a unique piece of content—like a video, advertisement, social media post, or other forms of content—created by combining and significantly transforming our original footage into a new, editorially altered form.
For complete details regarding the Lifetime License terms, you should consult the legal agreement available on our website:
To license, download and use clips from the RawFilm platform, you need to subscribe to our annual or monthly plan. The annual subscription gives 1,000 licenses per year, while the monthly subscription allows for licensing up to 50 clips per month. Unused monthly licenses roll over from month to month. Depending on the subscription you choose, you will be automatically billed from month to month or once per year. If you cancel the subscription, you will lose access to all the files.
Yes, both the annual and monthly subscription renews automatically. Your credit card will be automatically charged, unless you cancel the service before .
Yes! All unused downloads roll over to the next month and add up. This means you don’t need to use all the downloads from the previous month in the current month, because those clips will all roll over to the upcoming month.
Yes, you can cancel the subscription anytime. Please keep in mind that you’ll irreversibly lose all the unused downloads you gathered in previous months.
The Standard License is also tailored for individual content creators, streamers, and social media influencers. Whether you're crafting engaging content for your followers on various platforms, broadcasting live sessions, or producing educational materials, this license supports a wide range of creative endeavors.
Projects produced with footage from the Lifetime License must have a budget that does not exceed 200,000 USD.
Upon the expiration of your subscription, the right to create new content with the subscription-based footage ends. However, any 'Final Project'—a completed piece created with our footage during your subscription—remains yours to use and monetize in perpetuity.
The direct resale of our footage as standalone files, usage in television or physical media productions without an appropriate license, making modifications without permission, and automated downloading are not permitted under this license.
You may sell your completed projects, referred to as 'Final Projects' when completed during the active subscription period, to any entity regardless of its size. It is important to complete and finalize the sale of these projects while your subscription is active.
We add new footage collections every week.
After you license the clip, you can use it in one final product (video, website background, presentation, etc.). The license is perpetual - that means you don’t need to keep an active subscription to be legally covered. If you’d like to use the same clip in a new project, we ask you to license it again. You need to have an active subscription each time you want to use the clip in a new project.
We strongly advise not to use any additional software that speeds up the download process. This software initiates few download connections at once which account for RawFilm as few attempts to download the clip. We allow you to download each clip 3 times after it’s been licensed. This goes in line with RawFilm license which strictly requires a separate license for each clip to be used in every new end product.