All video clips available on this landing page are free to use. Attribution is not required, but welcome. You can modify the videos and use them commercially. You can't redistribute, sell, and re-license clips. All identifiable people may not appear in a bad light or in a way that is offensive.
RawFilm is the world's first subscription-based stock footage platform with premium 8K content shot on RED Digital Cinema Camera available for immediate download in REDCODE RAW format.
We are the only platform with one, simple license and unlimited worldwide use - all of that for the most affordable price in the stock footage industry.
Premium Stock Footage At RawFilm, we pride ourselves on providing the most exceptional stock footage.
Trouble is, most stock footage looks like, well, stock footage. What if you could find stock footage that was so good, no one would notice the difference? What if you could download it in the right format at the right resolution every time. What if it's easy to match with the footage you already have. What would that do for your project?
RawFilm is the world's first subscription-based stock footage platform with premium 8K content shot on RED Digital Cinema Camera. All video files are available for immediate download in R3D RAW format.
At RawFilm, all our footage is ready to use and under a single, intuitive license
that covers everything from YouTube videos to Hollywood productions.
No need to complicate things! We offer 2 subscription tiers based on how much footage you need. Unused clips roll over to the next subscription period. Cancel anytime. Just need one or two clips? No problem! You can buy individual clips, too. The same license applies to all of them. Learn about our license and subscription tiers here!
Never compromise on image quality when cropping, zooming and cloning in post.
Do your own thing! Learn more about the power of 8K and R3D codec here.
Download our free footage and check it out for yourself!