
Best tips to make your next video stand out in 2020

It’s a fact that video isn’t going anywhere. We also know that if everyone is hopping on that video train, it’s going to get crowded. You will have to get more creative in your approach to make sure your video will stand out. We know it’s easier said than done, so we have some tips for letting your video stand out in 2020 and beyond.

You want your videos to stand out, so you’re going to have to understand your audience’s viewing habits.

Know what platforms people use to watch videos

We know that YouTube is the biggest platform for video streaming. People view more than a billion hours of video every day on YouTube. Still, just because YouTube is so popular doesn’t mean you should ignore other social platforms. 

Facebook and Instagram posts with video do tend to get more engagement. Depending on your business and your goals, you may see success from posting videos on LinkedIn. Where you post your videos will always depend on who and where your audience is. 

Something not everyone keeps in mind or know, is that your engagement rate will depend on your video length. A 10-minute video will probably perform well on YouTube, but someone scrolling through Facebook isn’t going to stop and watch for very long. 

What devices do people use to watch your videos?

It’s important to create web videos with a mobile-first mindset. Most people watch videos on social media, and on their phones. Two big things for you to think about with mobile video, the language you use and your video analytics. This will help you to really see where and what types of people are watching your content. 

Understand how people search for videos

In 2019, search intent mattered a lot. Remember that it still matters just as much in 2020. Someone searching for “update your website” on Google might be looking for an explanation of why they should. If you search for the same term with YouTube, you’ll see more results.

Remember that videos are visual, and the topics you cover should reflect that. It will make more sense to make a video showing people how to update their website rather than narrowing it down to a full explanation of why it’s important. 

Fun fact; to get your YouTube videos to pop up for a search, make sure to break down your video into timestamps in the YouTube description.

Create Your Video’s Branding Elements

Traditional in-your-face TV infomercials have almost been replaced by a smarter, subtler brand of business video. That’s not to say that there isn’t room for friendly reminders of who you are. Greetings and sign-offs are an important part of video production tips because promoting your business can push your audience to complete the goal you’re working toward.

Put Your Best 8 Seconds First

Today’s generations average attention span is just 8 seconds. This means that most viewers will click away from your video after 8 seconds. Fortunately for video producers and scriptwriters everywhere, this is not necessarily a bad thing. 

The first eight seconds of a video is a perfect reasonable amount of time to include capture the viewer’s attention and let them know what they can expect from the rest of the video.

Video Marketing Is a Must in 2020

The basic things to remember is to always make sure you’ve got the basics covered, know the purpose of your video, and have the equipment you’ll need to make a solid start when it comes to filming. If you haven’t added video marketing to your mix, the time is now.